hard water hair loss: symptoms, treatments, & preventions

Hard Water Hair Loss 101: Symptoms, Treatments, & Preventions

Most men and women don't know that hard water can cause hair damage.

Hard water has a high concentration of minerals causing weak hair follicles.

So, Does hard water cause hair loss? 

Hard water can lead to hair loss. The root cause is formed by calcium and magnesium minerals build up in hard water.

As a result, it forms a protective layer on your hair, making it harder for water to get in and wash it off. Your hair ends up being flaky and dry.

A failure to deal with these conditions can lead to hair loss or hair thinning, especially if it's left on your hair for longer periods.

Fortunately, there are ways to mitigate these consequences. Keep reading to find out how to prevent hair loss due to hard water. 

Table of Contents

What Is Hard Water?

temporary hardness, shower filter, bottled water

Hard water refers to water that contains a high concentration of minerals. Excess calcium carbonate, magnesium sulphate, sulfate iron, chlorine, copper, and zinc in groundwater produce water hardness. 

Hardness in water may be both transitory and long-lasting. Permanent hardness, on the other hand, needs a series of steps before it can be eliminated. 

READ NEXT: Is salt water good for hair growth?

Does Hard Water Cause Hair Damage or Hair Fall? 

Hair loss due to hard water is caused by the excess mineral build up found in hard water. 

Hard water contains high concentrations of minerals and metals, which can leave hair feeling dry and less elastic. 

These minerals, including iron, calcium, magnesium, and copper, can build up on your scalp and hair over time and cause damage to your strands. 

This makes it difficult for the shafts to hold moisture and will prevent hair strands from forming tight bonds with each other, causing hair to break off or become brittle. 

Certain conditions can also cause existing hair to fall out more readily, such as stress and nutritional deficiencies. 

With constant exposure to this buildup, your body will start to recognize these minerals as foreign substances and try to remove them.

Does Hard Water Damage Coloured Hair Strands?

Yes, hard water does damage coloured hair strands. Hard water is a common problem in many households and can leave your hair dry and dull.

You may notice your hair colour start to fade after 1 wash.

To prevent this, wash your hair with clear water or use a clarifying shampoo occasionally.

What are the Effects Of Hard Water Hair Loss?

hair fall, hair damage

Hard water was reported to cause hair loss in a study of 15 women in 2016. For 30 days, hair samples were washed in both hard and distilled water.

There is scientific evidence that showed noticeable changes in both the thickness and appearance of the hair from the hard water samples after this investigation.

Hard water may show up in your hair in three ways.

3 Symptoms of Hard Water Hair Loss

  • No Foam Build Up

Hard water has a detrimental effect on soaps' fatty acids; therefore, shampoo doesn't build a foam. Cleaners can't rinse away the calcium deposits since it sticks to them like glue.

This may seem familiar because soap scum on your shower walls is caused by the same thing. You can bet that soap scum is all over your body, including your hair, if you see it.

  • Frizzy & Dry Hair

Due to hard water's drying effect on your hair and skin (which might cause difficulties with dandruff), your hair will be dry and frizzy.

A lack of moisture in your hair can lead to hair that is more susceptible to tangling and frizz, but it can also lead to thinning.

  • Brittle Hair

Calcium build up on the scalp causes your hair follicles to break off at the base, which many people misinterpret for hair loss.

The brittleness of the hair shaft may not be the basis of the problem. No matter how well your hair follicles operate, hard water will weaken them.

Is Hair Loss Due To Hard Water Reversible?

As soon as you take action, the damage to your hair caused by hard water can be reversed. 

It's an excellent idea to convert the hard water to softer water. 

But if that isn't an option, an Ayurvedic doctor can help you restore your hair.

Following are some best hard water hair loss solutions. 

The 6 Best Natural Remedies For Hard Water Hair Loss

water softeners, softened water, drinking water

  • Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse 

Hard water damage to the hair and scalp must be addressed first. A natural therapy that includes a combination of water, vinegar, and citrus juice.

One alternative is apple cider vinegar rinse, which lowers the pH of the hair while also containing beneficial vitamins B and C for healthy hair.

  • Apply Essential Oils Like Aloe Vera.

You may think of aloe vera as a skin-care product, but it may also protect your hair from harsh water damage. Apply aloe vera juice to the scalp and let it on for 2-3 hours before rinsing. 

This will help strengthen your hair and reduce irritation on the scalp. Hair might get brittle from hard water, but aloe vera can help repair it before you comb it. 

  • Use a Water Softener

    water softener, shower filters,

Only one solution exists to prevent hard water and hair loss without damaging your plumbing, appliances, showers, and hair: a water softener. Using a shower filter will improve your water quality in your house.

  • Use Moisturizing Masks

Restoring your hair's moisture content is easy with a moisturizing mask. Your hair's cuticle layer, which is most impacted by hard water causing hair loss will be revitalized and smoothed by a moisturizing mask. Keep your hair from breaking due to dryness by using natural moisturizing agents like honey, aloe vera, or avocados.

  • Use A Leave In Conditioners

    leave in conditioner, hair color,

Restoring your hair's moisture content is easy with a moisturizing mask. Your hair's cuticle layer, which is most impacted by hard water causing hair loss will be revitalized and smoothed by a moisturizing mask. Keep your hair from breaking due to dryness by using natural moisturizing agents like honey, aloe vera, or avocados.

  • Use Lemon Juice Rinse

    lemon rinse, purified bottled water

Using a lemon juice rinse recipe is an excellent way to combat hair fall or hair breakage. Lemon juice is rich in vitamin C, which also helps with hard water hair loss.

Lemon juice mixed with other ingredients such as Lemon Juice, Bottled Water (high pH), Coconut Milk, Honey, and Aleo Vera is efficient in reducing hair fall.

Can You Prevent Hard Water Hair Loss In The First Place?

hair growth, washing hair, hair care routine,

When it comes to preventing hard water hair loss, there are several things you can do. 

The first is drinking at least eight glasses of water daily, which helps keep your hair healthy by reducing the amount of residue in your body. 

Following are some ways to prevent hair loss due to hard water. 

The Best 3 Ways To Prevent Hard Water Hair Loss:

clarifiying shampoo, naturally soft,

  • Do Not Use Hot Water to Wash Your Hair 

If you're bathing in hard water, hot water can deplete your hair and scalp with its natural oils. Take care of your hair by washing it with lukewarm or cold water, which will lessen the effects of hard water hair loss.

  • Rehydrate Your Hair

Rehydrate your hair and scalp by massaging conditioner into the areas in need of it. After shampooing, apply conditioner to your hair to keep it hydrated and moisturized. Using a wide-toothed comb or fingers, massage the shampoo into your hair from the roots to the ends. Set aside the suggested time on your conditioner's bottle to let it work its magic hard water on hair loss. 

  • Use The Right Shampoo That Avoids Mineral Build-Up

Ethylene Diamine Tetra Acetate (EDTA) is a chemical that removes mineral deposits that hard water can leave behind in your hair. To eliminate hard water hair loss deposits and clean your hair if you find it appearing dull or feeling dry, use a shampoo and rinse it out.

Final Words 

In a conclusion, Can hard water cause hair loss? If the groundwater is exposed to hazardous minerals, then hard water may cause hair loss. Your hair begins to lose its luster and strength due to a lack of nutrients and moisture entering the follicles. 

For this reason, it's important to be consistent with your hair care routine. Alwaysto be washing your hair every single day with to prevent hair loss

Changing your hair care regimen to include more nourishing ingredients may help combat hair loss from hard water if installing a water softener isn't an option. 

If you found this article helpful, look at our other blogs for hair growth tips!

Frequently Asked Questions 

FAQ #1: Does Hair Loss Occur Due to Hard Water?

Hard water can lead to hair loss. Various hair problems can also form such dryness, hair thinning, and general hair damage by regular contact with harsh water.

Your hair follicles become clogged over time as minerals accumulate on your scalp. It's a waste of money to spend on hair spas, conditioners, and oils if your hair looks like this.

FAQ #2: What’s The Difference Between Hard Water Vs Soft Water?

Hard water is water with a lot of mineral content. 

Soft water, on the other hand, is low in mineral content. The minerals in hard water are usually calcium and magnesium, which can be expensive to remove. 

Soft water is easier on your pipes and appliances, so it doesn’t have as much of an impact on them over time. 

FAQ #3: Does hard water block hair follicles?

No, not directly but it can cause problems to your scalp health because of its effect on the skin cells in your hair follicles as per a report published by the National Library of Medicine.

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